Transportation and accommodation guide
Welcome to all long-term and short-term scholars visiting the Lanzhou Center for Theoretical Physics for academic exchanges or to participate in conferences.You can click on “visit appointment” above to enter the visitor system;after logging in please fill in your information so that we can register you and provide services!
From the Airport |
From the High Speed Rail Station |
From the Train Station |
机场大巴:乘坐1号线至兰州大学站下车 城际列车:中川机场至兰州火车站(根据列车时刻表预定);
Take air bus line 1.~1 hour
Take taxi,cost ~180 RMB
路线Show Route |
公交车:1路车至兰州大学站下车 地铁:1号线至兰州大学(D口近萃英酒店,C口近飞天酒店)下车
Take bus 1,~1hour
Take taxi.~40 minutes
(rough cost: ~30 RMB)
Take subway.~25minuts(Exit D to Tsuiying Hotel,Exit C to Lanzhou Lengend Hotel)
路线Show Route |
步行:20分钟至兰州大学, 公交车:1路、16路、131路至兰州大学站。
Walk to LZU,~20 minutes
Take bus 1/16/131,~10 minutes
Take taxi,cost 10 RMB
路线Show Route |
Name |
Star |
Distance |
Price |
Tsuiying Hotel |
★★★ |
校门外50米处 |
淡季:标间420,单间470 旺季:标间440,单间490 6-9月为旺季。兰洽会期间以酒店定价为准
Lanzhou Legend Hotel |
★★★★ |
校门外100米处 |
标间:460,商务单间:500,行政单间:600 兰洽会期间以酒店定价为准
- “兰州理论物理中心”诚聘博士后 (长期有效)
- Tensor Network Variational Monte Carlo Approach for 2D Quantum Many-body System: Algorithms and Applications (二维量子多体系统的张量网络变分蒙卡方法:算法和应用)
- Tensor Network Variational Monte Carlo Approach for 2D Quantum Many-body System: Algorithms and Applications(二维量子多体系统的张量网络变分蒙卡方法:算法和应用)
- Kerr-MOG时空中EMRI引力波研究