Procedures for Applying as a Visiting Scholar
Visiting scholars to Lanzhou Center for Theoretical Physics (preparatory) include domestic or international experts, scholars, outstanding post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students for participating related academic cooperation or exchange programs (not including the participation of conferences).
For visiting scholars, the center will provide financial support based on the applicant's specific circumstances. Usually, average length of stay could be from one week to three months (the total time of stay in one year should be no more than three months).
Ⅰ.Registration and verification:
1.The visiting scholars should contact with faculty in the center who intends to invite the visitor, and finalize the visiting date, as well as the financial supports for covering the visiting expense, before registration.
2.Visiting scholars should register related information on the website (URL: at least one week before the visit, fill in all the information and submit it, or notify the information directly to the inviter or secretary in charge.
3. After reviewing the registration information, staff in the center will feedback related requirement to the visiting scholars.
Ⅱ.Check in:
Visiting scholars will receive office key and a temporary card from the secretary located in the room 1214 of the Science and Technology Building on the first working day after arrived at the center.
Ⅲ.Check out:
1.Before leaving the center, the visiting scholar must return office key and temporary card back to the secretary in the Room 1214 of Science and Technology Building or the person who invited the scholar.
2.Visiting scholars should write a report about the main results achieved during the stay, and the report should be emailed to within two weeks after the visit.
Lanzhou Center for Theoretical Physics (in preparation)
March 22, 2021
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