Lanzhou Center for Theoretical Physics
Address: 12th floor, Gezhi building and Science and Engineering building, No. 222, Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou, Gansu
Postal Code: 730000
Office Tel.: 0931-8912940
- “兰州理论物理中心”诚聘博士后 (长期有效)
- Tensor Network Variational Monte Carlo Approach for 2D Quantum Many-body System: Algorithms and Applications (二维量子多体系统的张量网络变分蒙卡方法:算法和应用)
- Tensor Network Variational Monte Carlo Approach for 2D Quantum Many-body System: Algorithms and Applications(二维量子多体系统的张量网络变分蒙卡方法:算法和应用)
- Kerr-MOG时空中EMRI引力波研究