Tensor Network Variational Monte Carlo Approach for 2D Quantum Many-body System: Algorithms and Applications(二维量子多体系统的张量网络变分蒙卡方法:算法和应用)
主讲人:刘文渊 研究员(浙江大学)
题目:Tensor Network Variational Monte Carlo Approach for 2D Quantum Many-body System: Algorithms and Applications(二维量子多体系统的张量网络变分蒙卡方法:算法和应用)
地 点:理工楼1226
Tensor networks, grounded in quantum entanglement, have emerged as a fundamental theoretical and numerical framework for studying strongly correlated systems. Matrix product states (MPS) serving as the variational space of the celebrated density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method, have been the most powerful approach for 1D and quasi-1D quantum many-body problems. Their natural extension to higher dimensions, projected entangled pair states (PEPS), offers great potential for resolving challenging two-dimensional quantum systems. However, the computational complexity of PEPS has historically limited the development of practical and precise implementation methods.
以量子纠缠为基础的张量网络态,提供了描述强关联多粒子纠缠系统的理论框架和数值计算方法。其中,密度矩阵重正化群方法和其内蕴的矩阵乘积态(matrix product state),已成为求解一维和准一维体系最为精确的方法, 并被广泛用于凝聚态物理和量子化学等。作为矩阵乘积态的高维推广,投影纠缠对态(projected entangled-pair state, PEPS),为攻克二维量子多体难题提供了广阔的前景。然而,投影纠缠对态内在的复杂性,长期制约着其算法的发展,使得其实际潜力难以充分发挥。发展高效、精确的计算方法是张量网络领域的核心课题。
In this talk, I will introduce a PEPS approach through combining variational Monte Carlo. I will show that this method achieveshighaccuracy across multiple challenging systems: frustrated spin models, the Fermi-Hubbard model, and (2+1)D lattice gauge theories, thus establishing itself as a powerful tool for solving longstanding quantum many-body problems. Furthermore, I will present a new perspective on tensor networks----tensor network function, which expands the application of tensor networks into new directions and bridges the gap between pure neural networks and tensor networks.
(1)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, PRB 95, 195154 (2017)
(2)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, PRB 103, 235155 (2021)
(3)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, Sci. Bull. 67, 1034 (2022)
(4)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, PRX 12, 031039 (2022)
(5)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, Sci. Bull. 69, 190 (2024)
(6)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, PRL 133, 026502 (2024)
(7)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, PRB 109, 235116 (2024)
(8)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, PRL 133, 026502 (2024)
(9)Wen-Yuan Liu et al, arXiv:2502.13454 (2025)
(10) Yantao Wu, Wen-Yuan Liu, to appear soon. “Accurate Gauge-Invariant Tensor Network Simulations for (2+1)D Abelian Lattice Gauge Theory”