Complexity Equals Anything
报告题目:Complexity Equals Anything
腾讯ID:612 902 300
In the previous work [arXiv:2111.02429], we present a new infinite class of gravitational observables in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter space living on codimension-one slices of the bulk geometry and argue that any member of this class of observables is an equally viable candidate as the extremal volume for a gravitational dual of complexity. Recently, we expand on our results to a broad new class of gravitational observables living on codimension-zero regions of bulk spacetime. The most known observables in this class are the action and the spacetime volume of the Wheeler-DeWitt patch. We show that these infintie codimension-zero/one observables display two key universal features for the thermofield-double state: they grow linearly in time at late times and reproduce the switchback effect. Further, we show that variations of both the codimension-zero and codimension-one observables are encoded in the gravitational symplectic form on the semi-classical phase-space, which can then be pushed to the boundary CFT.
Shan-Ming Ruan is currently an “It From Qubit” postdoc fellow at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University. He graduated from Lanzhou University and obtained his master's degree under the supervisor of Rong-Gen Cai at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his Ph.D. from Perimeter Institute and the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Rob Myers. His research focuses on understanding the interior of black holes via the connections between quantum information and quantum gravity.